
Airbrush Basics

The Part 1 Tutorials:
The foundation of airbrushing is learning how to control one control one correctly. Airbrush control is the first stepping stone for beginners and should constantly be practised, trained and improved through the rest of your airbrushing career – no matter how good you are!

How to hold an airbrush – like a pen!
**How to Hold an Airbrush

How to control an airbrush – in depth tutorial on double actioning!
**How to Control an Airbrush

How to airbrush a line! – an in depth analysis of how to airbrush lines correctly.
**How to Airbrush a Line!

How to airbrush 2/3 of the most commonly used effects – the blend and reverse dagger stroke.
**Airbrushing Effects!

The dagger stroke! & how it’s executed correctly. This is likely the most commonly used effect in airbrushing.
**Airbrush Effects 2

Airbrush control exercises! The most beneficial of the part one tutorials.. This will teach you how to fine tune your airbrush control, increase speed and confidence!
**Airbrush Control Exercises 1
**Airbrush Control Exercises 2

The final project for the part 1 tutorials. Reference & mark up template is supplied for you to download and practise a human eye using the techniques that you have learnt and practised from the part 1 tutorials!
**Airbrushing the Eye!

Includes all of the tutorials shown at
**Airbrush Tutorials!


About Adam Dallas

Adding color to the world, one hot-rod at a time. You only get 4,000 weeks of existence. Chase what you want. Get it and enjoy it.

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